Monday, December 5, 2011

From Josep Sánchez 2A Narcís Oller to Alejandra P SFPrep NM

English:Hello,I'm Jose. I'm from Valls.
I'm 13 years old.
I'm student at Narcis Oller in Valls.i've got a brown eyes and black hair

My father's name is Jose Mª and my mother's name is Begoña I have got 5 uncles, four 5 and four cousins

I like music hip hop and electro I'm also fan of David Guetta I play basketball in aaeet from Valls, a team from my village.

I spend my free time in the street with my friends and chatting with the laptop. I spend my money on clothes and games.

Hello! My name is Alejandra P. I am from Canada, but I live in Santa Fe, in the United States. I am twelve and my birthday is the second of December. I am a student at Santa Fe Prep.  It is a good school and it is difficult and fun. I am intelligent, fun, and funny. I have blue eyes and blonde hair.
                My dad is named Matthew, and my mother is named Jennifer. She is a doctor. I have a brother. He is named Max. He is fifteen. I have six grandparents and six cousins. My family is from Canada. In Canada it is cold. The people there are nice. They are also nice here. My birthday is in five days. It is fun.
                I like volleyball. I like music. I like books. I like my pet rats.
                My interests are volleyball and skating. I read in my free time. I like to buy clothes with my money.
                I like to learn a new language.
Català:hola em dic Jose,tinc 13 anys ,estic estudiant en l'Ins Narcís Oller en Valls,tinc els ulls marrons i el cabell negre

Sobre la meva família:
El meu pare es diu Jose Mª i la meva mare Begoña.Tinc 5 tiets,5 tietes i 4 cosins

Els meus interessos:m'agrada la musica hip hop i la musica electro, soc fan de David Guetta ,jugo al basquet a l'aaeet de Valls

El meu temps i diners:
Dedico el meu temps lliure a estar al carrer amb els meus amics i a xatejar amb el portàtil. Gasto els meus diners en roba i en jocs

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